Mooroopna Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Mooroopna


The Mooroopna area, in the Goulburn Valley 190km north of Melbourne, is not only rich in fruit and vegetables, but it also embraces a number of significant conservation parks. The most important is the Gemmils Swamp Wildlife Reserve. The sanctuary abounds with waterfowl including major colonies of pelicans, ibis, swans, egrets and ducks. A 5km walking track skirts the west bank of the Goulburn River and a red river gum forest. There are potteries and an ostrich farm nearby, and a short drive takes you to local wineries such as Gravina, Broken River and Chateau Tahbilk. The solar display at the International Village and Aboriginal Keeping Place make the short drive to Shepparton worthwhile. These days, of course, the once fiercely independent town of mooroopna has been absorbed into the Greater Shepparton municipality and the Shepparton Museum and Historic Precinct pays due respect to the region's heritage. The attendant historic precinct features an Aboriginal canoe tree and the remains of a wharf that recalls the days when paddlesteamers plied the Goulburn River.

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