Wunghnu Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Wunghnu


A small town in the Goulburn Valley, Wunghnu lies just 30km due north of Shepparton, the regional capital of the Victorian fruit bowl.

The original inhabitants, the Aborigines, have left their mark on the landscape through 'canoe trees' - giant eucalypts such as grey box which bear the scars where the first Australians peeled off green bark with stone axes to make light river craft. Some of the best examples of canoe trees are found close to the roadside along Nine Mile Creek just outside Wunghnu.

The town's Common Bushland Reserve presents visitors with a rare, living example of the type of woodland which once draped the region. Conservationists estimate that less than 6 per cent of the original woodland forests remain.

A one hour drive will take visitors to historic Brookfield farm built by Irish migrant John Robert Watters in the late 1870s. Watters spent three years preparing the homestead for his wife and family. The present owners operate Brookfield as a museum farm centred on John Watters' original slab hut.

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