Adelaide Airport Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Adelaide Airport
- Albert Park
- Alberton
- Allenby Gardens
- Andrews Farm
- Angle Park
- Angle Vale
- Ascot Park
- Ashford
- Athol Park
- Auldana
- Banksia Park
- Beaumont
- Bedford Park
- Belair
- Bellevue Heights
- Beulah Park
- Beverley
- Birkenhead
- Black Forest
- Blackwood
- Blair Athol
- Blair Athol West
- Blakeview
- Bolivar
- Brahma Lodge
- Brighton
- Brighton North
- Broadview
- Brooklyn Park
- Burnside
- Burton
- Camden Park
- Campbelltown
- Carey Gully
- Cavan
- Cheltenham
- Cherry Gardens
- Christie Downs
- Christies Beach
- Christies Beach North
- Clapham
- Clarence Gardens
- Clarence Park
- Clearview
- Clovelly Park
- Collinswood
- Colonel Light Gardens
- Coromandel East
- Coromandel Valley
- Cowandilla
- Craigmore
- Croydon
- Croydon Park
- Croydon Park South
- Cumberland Park
- Darlington
- Davoren Park
- Davoren Park North
- Davoren Park South
- Daw Park
- Dernancourt
- Devon Park
- Direk
- Dover Gardens
- Dry Creek
- Dudley Park
- Dulwich
- Eden Hills
- Edwardstown
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Downs
- Elizabeth East
- Elizabeth Field
- Elizabeth Grove
- Elizabeth North
- Elizabeth Park
- Elizabeth South
- Elizabeth Vale
- Elizabeth West
- Enfield
- Erindale
- Ethelton
- Evandale
- Evanston
- Evanston Gardens
- Evanston Park
- Evanston South
- Everard Park
- Exeter
- Fairview Park
- Felixstow
- Ferryden Park
- Findon
- Firle
- Flagstaff Hill
- Flinders Park
- Forestville
- Frewville
- Fulham
- Fulham Gardens
- Fullarton
- Gepps Cross
- Gilles Plains
- Gillman
- Glandore
- Glanville
- Glen Osmond
- Glenelg
- Glenelg South
- Glengowrie
- Glenside
- Glenunga
- Glynde
- Golden Grove
- Goodwood
- Gould Creek
- Grange
- Grange South
- Green Fields
- Greenacres
- Greenwith
- Gulfview Heights
- Hackham
- Hackham West
- Hallett Cove
- Hampstead Gardens
- Happy Valley
- Hawthorn
- Hazelwood Park
- Heathpool
- Hectorville
- Hendon
- Henley Beach
- Henley Beach South
- Highgate
- Hillbank
- Hillcrest
- Hillier
- Hilton
- Holden Hill
- Houghton
- Hove
- Hyde Park
- Ingle Farm
- Joslin
- Kensington
- Kensington Gardens
- Kensington Park
- Kidman Park
- Kilburn
- Kilburn North
- Kilkenny
- Kings Park
- Kingston Park
- Kingswood
- Klemzig
- Kudla
- Kurralta Park
- Largs Bay
- Largs North
- Leabrook
- Lewiston
- Linden Park
- Lockleys
- Lonsdale
- Lower Mitcham
- Lynton
- Macdonald Park
- Magill
- Magill North
- Magill South
- Malvern
- Manningham
- Mansfield Park
- Marden
- Marino
- Marion
- Marleston
- Marryatville
- Mawson Lakes
- Maylands
- Melrose Park
- Middle Beach
- Millswood
- Mitcham
- Mitchell Park
- Moana
- Modbury
- Modbury Heights
- Modbury North
- Morphett Vale
- Morphettville
- Munno Para
- Munno Para Downs
- Munno Para West
- Myrtle Bank
- Nailsworth
- Netherby
- Netley
- Newton
- Noarlunga
- Noarlunga Centre
- Noarlunga Downs
- North Brighton
- North Haven
- North Plympton
- Northfield
- Norwood
- Norwood South
- Novar Gardens
- O'Halloran Hill
- O'Sullivan Beach
- Oakden
- Oaklands Park
- Old Noarlunga
- Old Reynella
- One Tree Hill
- Onkaparinga Hills
- Osborne
- Ottoway
- Outer Harbor
- Panorama
- Para Hills
- Para Hills West
- Para Vista
- Paradise
- Parafield
- Parafield Airport
- Parafield Gardens
- Paralowie
- Park Holme
- Pasadena
- Payneham
- Payneham South
- Penfield
- Penfield Gardens
- Pennington
- Peterhead
- Plympton
- Plympton North
- Plympton Park
- Plympton South
- Pooraka
- Port Adelaide
- Port Gawler
- Port Noarlunga
- Port Noarlunga South
- Prospect
- Prospect East
- Prospect West
- Queenstown
- Redwood Park
- Regency Park
- Renown Park
- Reynella
- Richmond
- Ridgehaven
- Ridleyton
- Rosewater
- Rosewater East
- Rosslyn Park
- Rostrevor
- Royal Park
- Royston Park
- Salisbury
- Salisbury Downs
- Salisbury East
- Salisbury Heights
- Salisbury North
- Salisbury Park
- Salisbury Plain
- Salisbury South
- Seacliff
- Seacliff Park
- Seacombe Gardens
- Seacombe Heights
- Seaford
- Seaford Rise
- Seaton
- Seaton North
- Seaview Downs
- Sefton Park
- Semaphore
- Semaphore Park
- Semaphore South
- Sheidow Park
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Plains
- Smithfield West
- Somerton Park
- South Brighton
- South Plympton
- Springfield
- St Georges
- St Kilda
- St Marys
- St Morris
- St Peters
- Stepney
- Stonyfell
- Sturt
- Surrey Downs
- Taperoo
- Tennyson
- The Levels
- Thebarton
- Toorak Gardens
- Torrens Park
- Torrensville
- Tranmere
- Tranmere North
- Trinity Gardens
- Trott Park
- Tusmore
- Two Wells
- Uleybury
- Underdale
- Unley Park
- Urrbrae
- Vale Park
- Valley View
- Virginia
- Walkerville
- Walkley Heights
- Warradale
- Warradale North
- Waterloo Corner
- Wattle Park
- Welland
- West Beach
- West Croydon
- West Hindmarsh
- West Lakes
- West Lakes Shore
- West Richmond
- West Woodville
- Westbourne Park
- Windsor Gardens
- Wingfield
- Woodcroft
- Woodville
- Woodville Gardens
- Woodville North
- Woodville Park
- Woodville South
- Woodville West
- Wynn Vale
- Yatala Vale
- Yattalunga
Adelaide Airport
The Adelaide Airport is located approximately eight kilometres west of Adelaide's city centre. The airport has an international and a domestic terminal, which are less than one kilometre. Adelaide Airport is serviced by the following airlines :
International Airlines: Qantas, Cathay Pacific, Garuda Indonesia, Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines.
Domestic Airlines: Qantas and Virgin Blue Regional Airlines: Regional Express (REX), Airlines of South Australia, O'Connor Airlines of Mount Gambier, Qantas, Emu Airways and Virgin Blue.
Charter services: National Jet Systems, Rossair and Air Charter Australia. Baggage trolleys and storage Baggage Trolleys at the Domestic terminal are charged at AUD3.00 each while they are free of charge at the International terminal. Baggage Storage is available in the Qantas domestic terminal, with three sized lockers available. The largest locker caters for large backpacks and suitcases. Staff are onsite to assist with any enquiries and personal identification is required to store baggage. The approximate costing for twenty four hour storage starts at AUD6.00. Alternatively baggage may be stored at the Morgan’s corner newsagency located just inside the domestic terminal, with charges based on the duration and size of luggage. This storage facility has the ability to store larger items including surfboards.
Adelaide Airport Upgrade Adelaide Airport is currently in the process of upgrading to a Multi-User Passenger Terminal. The new design encompasses an elevated passenger concourse, increased car parking, and an increase in check in counters for multiple airlines. This design caters for dual use of gates between domestic and international flights, depending on demand. While separate facilities will be dedicated to regional commuter aircraft, located at the end of the concourse. Checking In International The recommended check in time for International departures is approximately 2 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. Domestic The recommended check in time for Domestic departures is approximately forty five minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Shopping Both the international and domestic terminals offer a range of shops including newsagencies, florists and gift shops.
Accessing Money Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are available in both the international departure lounge and domestic check in terminal.
Travel ex Money is located within the domestic terminal and offers foreign exchange and money transfers 7 days a week from 0530 to 1800.
Thomas Cook is located within the international terminal and offers foreign exchange to international arrivals.
For further information regarding the Adelaide Airport Management, please contact Adelaide Airport Limited on telephone 08 8308 9211 or by fax on 08 8303 9311. All airline and flight requirements should be directed to the appropriate airline.
Adelaide Airport: Eating Out
Restaurants Both the international and domestic terminals have buffet style restaurants, café meals and full bar facilities. Internet facilities Access to the Internet is available through (user pays) computers located within the domestic departure lounge.
Adelaide Airport: Getting Around
Getting Around Hire Car Several hire car companies operate from the Adelaide Airport, including Avis, Budget, Hertz, Thrifty, Action, Comcar, Delta and SA Hire Cars. These companies are represented with information and booking desks located within both the international and domestic terminals. Chauffeur driven car hire services are available by prior arrangement.
Taxi There are taxi bays outside both the international and domestic terminals. A taxi journey from the Adelaide airport to the city centre takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes, with a metered fare of approximately AUD15.00, depending on the time of day. Airport Bus Skylink Adelaide offers a regular service between the international/domestic terminals (Adelaide airport), the National Rail Terminal, Adelaide city centre and many accommodation properties. A one way journey is approximately 25 to 30 minutes. A service operates approximately every 20 minutes from both terminals. For timetables and further information please refer to
Parking Car parking Both the International and Domestic terminals offer long and short term car parking.
A ticket is issued at the entrance of all Airport car parks, and must be validated through the pay station or upon exit. Short term parking is charged at AUD4.00 for the first thirty minutes, increasing approximately AUD7.00 every hour and a half after that, alternatively the cost per day (24 hours) is AUD16.00.
Valet car parking A valet parking service desk is located within the domestic terminal. Vehicles are stored in a secure compound with undercover as an option. Vehicles are charged per calendar day, at approximately AUD20.00. Secure Undercover Parking Airport Security Parking located at 265 Richmond Rd, Richmond offer secure undercover parking. Vehicles are charged approximately AUD12.00 per day, after five days this cost reduces. Bookings are essential, telephone 08 8351 7033.
Adelaide Airport Map