Hawthorn Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Hawthorn


Ten minutes by conventional bus from the centre of Adelaide, the southern suburb of Hawthorn takes its name from a region in County Durham, presumably because one of the early settlers migrated from the north of England. Today, Hawthorn is a middle class, well-established suburb where more than half the population is under 55.

The outstanding local landmark in a tourist sense is Windy Point which the Mitcham Council claims offers the finest night view of twinkling city lights in the southern hemisphere. The council also believes its Women's Memorial Field is Australia's only memorial to ex-servicewomen.

Mitcham Village was one of the earliest settlements in the State and the modern municipality retains much of the colonial architecture, while the original village green remains as the Mitcham Reserve.

One of Mitcham"s standout homes is Carrick Hill, a Tudor mansion built in 40ha grounds in 1938 for Sir Edward Hayward. The estate features a sculpture garden and a manicured English garden set within native Australian bushland. Guides are on hand to outline the splendour and history of Carrick Hill.

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