Port Adelaide Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Port Adelaide
- Adelaide Airport
- Albert Park
- Alberton
- Allenby Gardens
- Andrews Farm
- Angle Park
- Angle Vale
- Ascot Park
- Ashford
- Athol Park
- Auldana
- Banksia Park
- Beaumont
- Bedford Park
- Belair
- Bellevue Heights
- Beulah Park
- Beverley
- Birkenhead
- Black Forest
- Blackwood
- Blair Athol
- Blair Athol West
- Blakeview
- Bolivar
- Brahma Lodge
- Brighton
- Brighton North
- Broadview
- Brooklyn Park
- Burnside
- Burton
- Camden Park
- Campbelltown
- Carey Gully
- Cavan
- Cheltenham
- Cherry Gardens
- Christie Downs
- Christies Beach
- Christies Beach North
- Clapham
- Clarence Gardens
- Clarence Park
- Clearview
- Clovelly Park
- Collinswood
- Colonel Light Gardens
- Coromandel East
- Coromandel Valley
- Cowandilla
- Craigmore
- Croydon
- Croydon Park
- Croydon Park South
- Cumberland Park
- Darlington
- Davoren Park
- Davoren Park North
- Davoren Park South
- Daw Park
- Dernancourt
- Devon Park
- Direk
- Dover Gardens
- Dry Creek
- Dudley Park
- Dulwich
- Eden Hills
- Edwardstown
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Downs
- Elizabeth East
- Elizabeth Field
- Elizabeth Grove
- Elizabeth North
- Elizabeth Park
- Elizabeth South
- Elizabeth Vale
- Elizabeth West
- Enfield
- Erindale
- Ethelton
- Evandale
- Evanston
- Evanston Gardens
- Evanston Park
- Evanston South
- Everard Park
- Exeter
- Fairview Park
- Felixstow
- Ferryden Park
- Findon
- Firle
- Flagstaff Hill
- Flinders Park
- Forestville
- Frewville
- Fulham
- Fulham Gardens
- Fullarton
- Gepps Cross
- Gilles Plains
- Gillman
- Glandore
- Glanville
- Glen Osmond
- Glenelg
- Glenelg South
- Glengowrie
- Glenside
- Glenunga
- Glynde
- Golden Grove
- Goodwood
- Gould Creek
- Grange
- Grange South
- Green Fields
- Greenacres
- Greenwith
- Gulfview Heights
- Hackham
- Hackham West
- Hallett Cove
- Hampstead Gardens
- Happy Valley
- Hawthorn
- Hazelwood Park
- Heathpool
- Hectorville
- Hendon
- Henley Beach
- Henley Beach South
- Highgate
- Hillbank
- Hillcrest
- Hillier
- Hilton
- Holden Hill
- Houghton
- Hove
- Hyde Park
- Ingle Farm
- Joslin
- Kensington
- Kensington Gardens
- Kensington Park
- Kidman Park
- Kilburn
- Kilburn North
- Kilkenny
- Kings Park
- Kingston Park
- Kingswood
- Klemzig
- Kudla
- Kurralta Park
- Largs Bay
- Largs North
- Leabrook
- Lewiston
- Linden Park
- Lockleys
- Lonsdale
- Lower Mitcham
- Lynton
- Macdonald Park
- Magill
- Magill North
- Magill South
- Malvern
- Manningham
- Mansfield Park
- Marden
- Marino
- Marion
- Marleston
- Marryatville
- Mawson Lakes
- Maylands
- Melrose Park
- Middle Beach
- Millswood
- Mitcham
- Mitchell Park
- Moana
- Modbury
- Modbury Heights
- Modbury North
- Morphett Vale
- Morphettville
- Munno Para
- Munno Para Downs
- Munno Para West
- Myrtle Bank
- Nailsworth
- Netherby
- Netley
- Newton
- Noarlunga
- Noarlunga Centre
- Noarlunga Downs
- North Brighton
- North Haven
- North Plympton
- Northfield
- Norwood
- Norwood South
- Novar Gardens
- O'Halloran Hill
- O'Sullivan Beach
- Oakden
- Oaklands Park
- Old Noarlunga
- Old Reynella
- One Tree Hill
- Onkaparinga Hills
- Osborne
- Ottoway
- Outer Harbor
- Panorama
- Para Hills
- Para Hills West
- Para Vista
- Paradise
- Parafield
- Parafield Airport
- Parafield Gardens
- Paralowie
- Park Holme
- Pasadena
- Payneham
- Payneham South
- Penfield
- Penfield Gardens
- Pennington
- Peterhead
- Plympton
- Plympton North
- Plympton Park
- Plympton South
- Pooraka
- Port Gawler
- Port Noarlunga
- Port Noarlunga South
- Prospect
- Prospect East
- Prospect West
- Queenstown
- Redwood Park
- Regency Park
- Renown Park
- Reynella
- Richmond
- Ridgehaven
- Ridleyton
- Rosewater
- Rosewater East
- Rosslyn Park
- Rostrevor
- Royal Park
- Royston Park
- Salisbury
- Salisbury Downs
- Salisbury East
- Salisbury Heights
- Salisbury North
- Salisbury Park
- Salisbury Plain
- Salisbury South
- Seacliff
- Seacliff Park
- Seacombe Gardens
- Seacombe Heights
- Seaford
- Seaford Rise
- Seaton
- Seaton North
- Seaview Downs
- Sefton Park
- Semaphore
- Semaphore Park
- Semaphore South
- Sheidow Park
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Plains
- Smithfield West
- Somerton Park
- South Brighton
- South Plympton
- Springfield
- St Georges
- St Kilda
- St Marys
- St Morris
- St Peters
- Stepney
- Stonyfell
- Sturt
- Surrey Downs
- Taperoo
- Tennyson
- The Levels
- Thebarton
- Toorak Gardens
- Torrens Park
- Torrensville
- Tranmere
- Tranmere North
- Trinity Gardens
- Trott Park
- Tusmore
- Two Wells
- Uleybury
- Underdale
- Unley Park
- Urrbrae
- Vale Park
- Valley View
- Virginia
- Walkerville
- Walkley Heights
- Warradale
- Warradale North
- Waterloo Corner
- Wattle Park
- Welland
- West Beach
- West Croydon
- West Hindmarsh
- West Lakes
- West Lakes Shore
- West Richmond
- West Woodville
- Westbourne Park
- Windsor Gardens
- Wingfield
- Woodcroft
- Woodville
- Woodville Gardens
- Woodville North
- Woodville Park
- Woodville South
- Woodville West
- Wynn Vale
- Yatala Vale
- Yattalunga
Port Adelaide
Port Adelaide's ornate former bank and office buildings, humble warehouses and bond stores, and wharves and hotels tell the vivid story of colonial maritime life.
Port Adelaide: Where To Go / Sightseeing
One of the state's most acclaimed museums, the South Australian Maritime Museum, celebrates the stories from settlement to today in its collections and exhibitions.
The Port is also home to the National Railway Museum, South Australian Aviation Museum and the National Military Vehicle Museum.
The mangroves, estuarine waters and wetlands form an aquatic reserve and are richly endowed with birds and marine life, including a substantial colony of much-loved Bottlenose Dolphins.
The Ships Graveyards is a rare and unusual heritage collection: more than 40 ships dating from 1850s have been abandoned here over the years, as local waters were generally too shallow for scuttling.
A short drive from the Port is the charming seaside suburb of Semaphore, its name reflecting its vital communications role in the 19th century. The tower on the hill was an official signal station where signalmen relayed information to about all ships in the gulf.
Semaphore retains a nostalgic beachside holiday atmosphere, with a charming foreshore with an old carousel and a steam train that runs a 2km route along the coast.
Port Adelaide: Activities
Must See and Do:
. Meet the dolphins on a cruise or kayak tour of the mangroves
. Visit the museums, walk the wharves and see the tall ships One and All and Falie, which offer day or evening cruises or trips out into the gulf
. Take a Ships Graveyard Cruise on the 1942 police launch Archie Badenoch
. Walk the Port or Semaphore on a self-guided tour or with one of the Port's volunteer guides
. Ride the carousel and the steam train at Semaphore
. Explore the bustling weekend markets
Port Adelaide Map